June 26, 2017
Remembrance Service

PAC Chairman, Michael Sheehan represented PAC Ireland at the annual Embrace FARM Accident Remembrance Service on Sunday 25th June, at the Church of the Holy Rosary in Abbeyleix, Portaloise. Also attending was Minster for Agriculture, Michael Creed, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charlie Flannigan and Minister responsible for Workplace Safety, Pat Breen.  Mairead McGuinness, MEP and First VP of the European Parliament also attended.

“The church was full and it was a profound and very moving service”, reports Michael, who congratulated Brian and Norma Rohan for establishing Embrace FARM following the death of Brian’s father in a farming accident, commenting that “the support they now give to bereaved families in immense”.

As founding members of the Farm Safety Partnership Advisory Committee, Michael stated that PAC Ireland is only too aware of the level of serious injuries and fatalities that occur every year on Irish farms and the devastation inflicted on so many families. He continued “attending this service and seeing the pain of the bereaved families, really brought home to me the need to redouble our efforts to take care during our working day and return safely to our loved ones each night”.