November 29, 2019
HSA National Summit

Tom Murphy represented PAC Ireland at the HSA Summit ‘The Future of Workers and Work’ in Dublin on 28th November. More than 150 delegates heard how new developments in work practices, such as remote working, pose questions for employers about how best to manage the long-term health and safety of staff. Experts from the European Commission, the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO), the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), and employers’ group Ibec, explored the challenges, opportunities and benefits on how we will work and address health and safety issues in the future.

Addressing the conference Dr Sharon McGuinness, Chief Executive Officer of the Health and Safety Authority, said “…..our workplaces are safer and healthier now because of health and safety regulations, but the world of work is changing rapidly due to advancements in technology and expectations of where and how we can work,” said “Many of these changes will enhance health and safety but some will also see an employees’ health and safety be potentially put at risk. For example, advances in technology have made ‘remote working’ a much more viable option for many enterprises, and not surprisingly the flexibility that this brings has become a very popular and attractive option for workers and businesses.  As enterprises seek to adopt more flexible approaches to work, many are still grappling with how to fulfil their legal duty of providing a healthy and safe workplace.  If your employees are working from home or from an airport lounge, as an employer, you are still responsible for their health and safety.  Our National Summit will discuss the practical challenges that non-traditional working environments are now raising such as how an employer can manage the health and safety of staff working from their kitchen tables?”

Businesses were encouraged to check out the HSA’s BeSMART Safety Statement and Risk Assessment Tool which is free on the following website,