March 17, 2021
Safe Driving

Again this year ever more adults, children and indeed families are using the roads to walk, run, jog and cycle.  PAC Ireland reminds agricultural contractors of the responsibilities that come with driving for work. This is particularly true during the silage season when more and more large tractors and machinery use the roads.  Stay alert when driving on both main roads and side roads.  Even though you might be under time constraints, keep the speed down.  Where possible, avoid travelling in convoy and be aware of how your presence on the roads can impact on other road users, especially with wide machinery.  If you are driving slow moving machinery be aware of causing long tailbacks and pull in (when it is safe to do so) to allow traffic to pass. Whilst advising drivers of agricultural machinery to be aware, we also ask other road users to exercise patience during the few weeks where silage is being harvested.

Feedback from members highlights the lack of safe lay-bys where slow moving traffic can pull in safely.  Therefore PAC Ireland urges the National Roads Authority, the RSA  and local authorities engage  in order to provide safe pull in areas, not only for agricultural machinery, but for any slow moving traffic.  Stay safe on the roads this summer !!