September 28, 2015
Regulations for Agricultural Vehicles on the Public Road

PAC welcomes the introduction of new regulations “Standards for Agricultural Vehicles on Public Roads”. Please call the office for a copy of the official RSA publication and recent amendments.
For many years PAC has worked with the RSA, Department of Transport and various Committees to ensure that proposed legislation would not only make our roads a safer place but also ensure that the interests and concerns of agricultural contractors were taken into consideration.

PAC’s input was instrumental in having amendments made to proposals contained in the Draft Weights and Dimensions Regulations. PAC contractors were brought in on negotiations with the RSA to advise on technical issues.  Huge Thanks to those contractors who participated and also to our Chairman Michael Sheehan for his valuable contributions.
PAC is also pleased that it’s vehement opposition to an across the board speed reduction to a maximum of 40km/h for all tractors has been taken on board. This would have excluded tractors from using the motorway network and also caused extreme frustration to tractor drivers and other drivers using all other public roads.

Other organisations may try to claim credit, but it should not be forgotten that consultations on these new Regulations have been going on for many, many years.  Initial proposals by the RSA were brought to agricultural contractors by PAC in a series of meetings that took place as far back January 2011.
PAC, without any support from other farming organisations, has fought the battle for contractors from the outset with Department of Transport regulators, the RSA and directly with consultants appointed by the RSA
Be in no doubt that without PAC looking after the interests of contractors this new legislation would have been far more onerous for the agricultural contracting industry.
PAC will continue to be there, to look after the interests of contractors with further legislation that is coming down the line.  In particular other items in the original consultation document that are still to be dealt with. Chairman, Michael Sheehan reiterates “contractors are lucky to have professionals looking after their interests”.